Wednesday 29 February 2012

Today I was a spaceman...

So today I went down to the theatres in the hopes of getting in on something cool, which semi-panned out. Found a consultant who seemed happy enough to let me stay in and watch a shoulder replacement; I was psyched, I've never seen one before so was thinking "Woo, good start to the day!". I've still not actually seen one. Between the consultant surgeon, his registar and the scrub nurse assisting, there wasn't a great field of view. I had to keep running back and forth as they moved around just to see. If you ever did the dreaded "bleep" test in school, it was kinda like that. But with blood and broken bones. So, exactly like the bleep tests at my school (the kids were competitive).
I did get to scrub in on the following knee replacement, which meant I got to wear one of these --

"That bit goes...erm... oh hell, I don't bloody know. Someone Google it."

I didn't actually get to do anything, I think I might have handed the surgeon a knife at one point while the scrub nurse was busy doing something else. I don't care though, I got to wear a frigging space suit!!! I could've just pretended to float around the room warbling "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE AM I SITTING IN A TIN CAN!!!" at the top of my lungs and I'd have been happy. I should probably point out that we don't wear this fancy get up in the UK, well not in any hospital I've been in anyway, so the whole thing was something of a novelty.

If there is anywhere back home that does use these then sign me up, I feel another rendition of Space Oddity coming on....

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